To reach out.
Throughout the history of Big Heart, God has called us to reach out to those around us. He would show us a need in our communities and His heart for them and then ask us to join Him in what He was already doing. Over the years that has looked like building a school, giving out food, providing health care, and much more.
What we Do
A list of our outreach efforts is as listed below:
Monday Food Outreach (Reynosa)
Christian Education (Reynosa)
Medical, food, and clothing drives (all locations)
Saturday Village Outreach (Mountains)
Join Our Outreaches
Whether you want to participate in our outreaches or come and host your own outreaches all ideas are welcome. We are open to what God is laying on your hearts and would love for you to come serve alongside of us. There are two main ways to join us in our outreach efforts.
Participate in our outreaches we have or bring your own outreach team (ex:, construction project, medical team, clothes or food outreaches, or hosting a camp or VBS for the community)
Financial Support, we believe God uses your support to help us not only run our children’s home but also impact the villages and communities He has placed around us.